


package fmv1992

Package Members

  1. package scala_cli_parser

    Provide a config file based CLI parsing library.

    Provide a config file based CLI parsing library.

    Steps to do that:

    1. Define your .conf file. See the syntax here (ParserConfigFile).
    2. Get a CLI parser from the the conf parser (ParserConfigFile).
    3. Apply the CLI parser to a given command line flags.

    Public entities:

    1. fmv1992.scala_cli_parser.conf.ParserConfigFile.
      1. Which outputs fmv1992.scala_cli_parser.cli.ParserCLI.
        1. Which uses fmv1992.scala_cli_parser.cli.ArgumentConf.
          1. Which uses ("private trait Argument escapes its defining scope as part of type...") fmv1992.scala_cli_parser.cli.Argument.
        2. Which ouputs fmv1992.scala_cli_parser.cli.ArgumentCLI.
    2. fmv1992.scala_cli_parser.ParseException (not really used at the moment).
